Hell yeah! Got my first score on my art!

Just a small update that I have changed his design a bit (and am still currently doing so). It's nothing too major, it's mostly just the scarf pattern, piercings, and of course the hair.
The mohawk hairstyle was a frickin' nightmare to draw...
[Flashbacks to me drawing pink and multicolored mohawk hairstyles at 2am]
Here he is though:

Beta sketch/doodle:

I also did a sketch recently based on some D-Side facts!

Haha, wow, I bet it takes several hours to get his hair right! It would be a real shame if someone were to splash him with water and ruin his progress, hahaha!👀💦
Anyway, he just wakes up every morning looking like this:

He could also be high...or sick...or sad...who knows...
(I probably got the proportions of his hair wrong but I'm gonna have to wait until my tablet charges if I want to fix it)
Second version:
I don't know how accurate this is to canon but if his pink hair is dyed, then it's even more funny if he wakes up one day having to reapply the dye again.
In the meantime, I've been figuring out how to draw Cyclops! I put a side by side comparison of the two together:

Been trying to give them stylized clothing and different hair in the rare case that I draw one of them and people mistake them for the other. The sketch isn't finished yet (stupid tablet), but hopefully it gives folks a little insight as to how I draw the OG and D-Sides counterparts when they're not in chibi form.
Thanks for reading this post, lol! I'll be posting more art soon hopefully! :)