*Loud sobbing*
Gunpowder is a precious baby, we must protect him! So glad Pico found a kitty friend, he deserves one! :3
Welcome to the Art Portal btw, love your art style!✨
*Loud sobbing*
Gunpowder is a precious baby, we must protect him! So glad Pico found a kitty friend, he deserves one! :3
Welcome to the Art Portal btw, love your art style!✨
Pico will have more exciting adventures with his kitten! ^_^
also thanks, im so glad you like my art style!! :D
It's me from the future, NG is pink again for February/Valentine's Day💖
I know this is 2 years old but oh my gosh, it's so pretty!!! I adore the sunset in the background, which gives the sky an orange/yelllow ombre that makes the scenery have more color!
Tankman/John in a leather jacket is so cool, he deserves it! I'm certain he has a motorcycle somewhere so he can ride off into the sunset!✨
"I’ve always had trouble finishing what I start cause my executive functioning is not great" "It’s been hard for me to let go of perfectionism with these" Now why would you put me on blast like this Wayyward?😔 /j /lh
Real talk though, these all turned out nicely! It's very impressive that you've kept up with the challenge, you're doing great! Heck, maybe I should do one of these challenges if they helped you with character study! :)
Gonna share my commentary on my favorite ones:
Day 2: How cute, I would love to hear her talk about guitars! Maybe she can help me play guitar since I'm learning how to play!
Day 4: Kelly's grandma back at it again with the coolest sweater designs✨ Wish I had a Halloween-themed sweater.
Day 5: My goodness, what pizza place is she working at where the prices for a full pizza are $87??? This person ordered 2 pizzas so the og price for one would be around $43.50, so either the pizzas are THAT expensive or the delivery fee/tax price is very high😭 I don't know why I am so caught up on this and now I can't stop thinking about it! Kelly, blink twice if your workplace is in a financial crisis!!!
Day 9: So many things I want to say about this one💖 I'm interested in that news report about that suspect's father...
I need to brush up on the Kelly lore, don't know a whole lot about her parents but I do like her mom's design! The room also gives 90s, maybe early 2000s, vibes, and I just adore the yellow floral couch that stands out from the more muted-earth tones of the house!
Seeing Weekend 1 on the tv is a cool reference, though I wonder where the music would be emitting from since Nene isn't sitting on top of a speaker/stereo but rather a block with a graph chart. Also where did Pico get that flower from? Why's he blue? Is he okay? Do I need to call an ambulance???👀💦
Btw baby Kelly is so precious, I love the little bow on her head🥹
Day 10: SpongeBob attempts to scream from the utter pain he is in from being frozen, bitten, and now melting. Sadly, his scream is merely just in his own internal thoughts, he is stuck in an immobile state where he can only look at the horizon in front of him as death awaits him. In just a matter of minutes, his eyes would be bitten off as his vision would be consumed by nothing but the void of darkness, as the giant girl continued to eat away at his body...
I'm sorry, I had to do it! Fantastic job on these prompts, I love getting to know more cool facts and lore about your OC! Can't wait for part 2!💖
LMAO yeah executive functioning has always been one of those things for me xD ahhh hopefully I can keep up with the challenge from here on out, but it looks like I'll be working on a lot of the remaining prompts into November haha
Omg it's so cool that you're learning guitar!!! I sometimes play the acoustic guitar, but I had to learn more about electric guitar over the course of developing Kelly, there's a ton of resources online, good luck with your journey on learning, and don't give up, that's so exciting!!!!
Ahaha I thought it would be fun to bring back her grandma's sweaters, I'm pretty sure she has thanksgiving and easter ones too xD
Lmao yeah her workplace is probably not doing so well xD. I've never run into 87 dollar pizza before but this was inspired by a few years ago when I worked at a coffee shop. It wasn't as overpriced as this but people would sometimes ask me why the coffee was so expensive, sometimes I'd just be like "yeah it sucks, but I'm just the barista, i don't make the price"
The one of her parents house definitely took me the longest, I'm glad you like it omg!! But yeah my whole idea for her parents is that they're kind of closed minded and Kelly doesn't see eye to eye on them with a lot of things. Her mom is the type to be very concerned about the rock music she listens to corrupting society's youth xD. But she doesn't really stop to listen to how Kelly is actually feeling about things. I'm not sure if I'm gonna have them come around in the end or not.
Ahaha this is a very good description of what spongebob is likely feeling LOL!!
But anyway thank you so much for this comment OMG!!! 💕 Absolutely made my day
Very nice artwork, love the colors and the pose you picked out!
I love her too! Look at her silly face! :3
She's so small, I want to pick her up and hold her!🧡
Awwww! Sweet lil babies!🥹❤️
I too would love to be surrounded by cats! You know what else I love? The colors in this artwork! How they are simultaneously soft and vibrant, and how the warm color palette and rounded edges/lines adds to the coziness factor of this scene! Fantastic work!
"she smells like a microwaved ketchup packet"
...that's oddly specific👀
So many hairstyles for the lovely goth punk redhead! I can't choose which one suits her best because she's rockin' them all!!!🎸 Kudos to you for drawing all of these, your hand deserves some rest after drawing so much hair, lol!❤️
P-Prebby vampire wamen👁👁🖤💖🤍
Love the way you drew Shaya, the long black fingernails, darker makeup, and matching dress accessories are cool extra additions to your design of her! Great job!
It's playable Pico day👁👁
I love how you drew them both, Pico looks unhinged as always and BF wearing braces is adorable! :D
That gun design looks so cool, I can tell it has slightly more features on it! Nicely done!
Thank you omg!!!! I’ll literally never get tired of drawing them haha! And thanks, I’ve been trying to put more effort into drawing mechanical things in general, like I should be using references all the time, but I do be getting lazy sometimes xD!!! Ahh still super excited, hope the update goes up soon, it looks so cool :3
Maid Pico supremacy🙏
The gun he's holding looks so awesome, I don't doubt that he had fun using it! I also love the lighting and shading for this piece, and the cool red/blue 3D effect on the smoke!
Congrats on hitting 200 followers here (and 4k on Twitter)!🎉
Congrats on 500 followers (and getting to the 200 mark on your art)!!!🤩🎉 Love seeing your art on my feed, it's all very cute and colorful!!! Good luck getting your graphic design degree! As a person practicing graphic design as well, I'm rooting for ya!!! :D
((AAAAAAA sobbing rn, Pico looks adorable here, I wanna squish his cheeks🥹❤️🧡💛))
(I'm giving you ALL my support as well! We're both gonna do this!) I'll definitely be providing more, it honestly makes me so happy to hear such sweet words! 💖💖💖
🃏Hi I'm Mystery and my only personality trait is telling people how sleep-deprived I am ;) /hj🃏
🂱I love Pico🧡💚🂱
🃁Aspiring artist & hobbyist writer🃁
🃑FNF, Danganronpa, Eddsworld, DHMIS, Spooky Month, BATIM(DR) fan🃑
🂡Cryptic ink creature :)🂡
Clowning on main🤡
Clown School🎪
Under your bed
Joined on 3/5/22