Okay I'm sorry, just one more B3 Pico bot post!!! Just one more, please!🙏
Biddle3, DastardlyDeacon, if you're reading this...hire me!😎

I deadass was thinking about the meme with the guy singing "who the f*ck are you? who you is? who you be?"

This, but with B3 Pico and DS Pico:

Brief sidenote: I typed in messy purple hair to describe D-Side Boyfriend, but the other responses kept giving me scenarios in which it sounded like I was describing Bartholomew or B3 Pico himself. Idk, that was a little weird, like, I'm clearly describing D-Side Boyfriend, why are you interpreting that as B3 or B3 Pico???🤨

Aww, look at B3 Pico, pretending he's the one in charge😌☺️
I am randomly curious as to how this interaction will work out.